Well it's been a while since I've last posted and things have been pretty good! I'll cut the jibber jabber and get to the point of my post for today.
As of yesterday Mike and I start p90x! Last year around this time I was doing Power 90 and LOVED IT! I was in the best shape of my life and felt AWESOME! After I finished the 90 days it was summer and while I kept eating healthy and working out I definitely wasn't as strict as I was when I was doing Power 90. My (and Mike's) goal this time to complete the 90 days but make this a life style of good workouts and healthy eating. We know as summer approaches that the reality of eating on our strict diet on the weekends is going to be very hard because we're at the boat every weekend and his mom is Italian and loves to feed people. You're probably saying "Just so not thank you". I've tried. I try! It's impossible with a cute Italian woman... you CAN'T say no! So we're going to just try our best to make better eating choices when we're on our weekend vacations.
Sunday we went to the grocery store and spent $280!! Eating healthy is NOT cheap; however, it's healthy and will keep us alive longer and looking good! We split the bill and as soon as we got home I got to planning out the lunches and snacks for the day and getting stuff in order. (side note: before we left for the store we (I) spent an hour planning out what we're going to eat on which days and what ingredients we will need. Somebody, who shall remain nameless made it a little more difficult because he wasn't helping much or answering and questions. Needless to say I got it all planned) It's a lot of work planning every meal and snack for 2 people on two different levels (I'm on level one so I eat less and he's on level 2 so he eats more) so the portions are different which may seem easy to handle but it gets confusing!
Monday went great for both of us! we felt good, never hungry and our "Chest and Back" workout went great! It was tough but we made it through... today we are what you call a good SORE. We feel good but definitely feel the workout from Monday. Today we did Plyometrics which is intense 1 hour cardio. Again it was great but a challenge! We had haddock, wild rice, and asparagus for dinner. and tomorrow for lunch I'm having a turkey burger... it looks so good!!
So far we're 2 days into our 90 day (plus a life time) of working out and eating better! It's a challenge and it's only going to get harder but I'll tell ya one thing... doing it together makes it so much easier and a lot more fun!:) Tomorrow we have Arms and Shoulders PLUS Ab Ripper X (yikes!)
Off to watch a movie in our new house and go to bed!:)