Monday, August 20, 2012


I missed week 2 so that I could properly celebrate Hils' Bachelorette Party in the OBX. I'd love to tell you that I ran while I was down there...I did bring my running stuff but that's as far as I got :)

So Week 3 was 4 miles. I came decked out in my new sunglasses - which I didn't need and my running belt - which I did. All in all it was a great run. 4 miles in 42 minutes. I started off a little slow but after the second mile I really felt like I was getting in to gear.

Kendra, me and some random guy fist pumping

This is right at the end with Michelle, a lovely 2nd resident at VCU I met on the run

Still having some trouble with my IT band on my left side. Evan (THE trainer) is helping me work through it. It's a pain in the tail for sure. 

Katie has joined the HMTT group too! LOVE having her there though her 8:30/mile means I don't see her a lot ;)

Until next week my friends!

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