Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's time to try new things...

I love Living Social. LOVE. Aside from cutting our social expenses down - it's really gotten me to try new things. I've tried lots of new restaurants (turns out I like Eggs Benedict...didn't know that), new services (laser hair removal, life changing) and lots of new things to do in Richmond.

That brings me to this: Bikram Yoga. aka....Hot Yoga.

This is a yoga class in a 105 degree and consists of 26 moves. So the class is the same every time you go. A LS deal came up last week for 3 classes @ $30 (50% savings) and better yet the studio is on my way home from work.

I went to my first class a week ago. I drank water all day long in preparation and nervously showed up 15 minutes before class to learn the lay of the land. The class was really mixed gender and everyone really seemed there for them. Girls wore skimpy little outfits and I quickly found out why. My goal was to survive and I DID! I also felt really great after class. I was SOAKED TO THE BONE. Afterwards, I talked to some of the girls in the class about how often they come and their advice and they said to wear little. I laughed and said that when I had their little bodies, I'd be happy to wear little clothes.

That is until the next day when I couldn't take the heat - I pulled my shirt off in class. True to most things - no one noticed and certainly no one cared.

As of last night, I've been to 4 classes. Twice I thought - there's no way I'm going to make it through this class today. But I took a deep breath and focused on what I was doing that moment. Soon enough, it was the end. Yesterday felt like it flew by. The best part - I touched my toes! I realize this is minor for normal people but I have NEVER been able to touch my toes without bending my knees. It was the one "event" that prevented me from getting the Presidential Fitness Award when I was in grade school. There's a pose 3/4 of the way through class where you're sitting down and you reach for your feet and grab your big toe with your middle and index finger and then walk your hips back 15 times - and I DID IT. Just 4 classes in and I can already tell an enormous difference. My head doesn't touch my knees yet and my elbows are not on the floor - but still HUGE accomplishment for me.

The teachers say the same thing every class and it's a great lesson for me: Don't get frustrated. Do what you can do. Push yourself. You may fall over or not be able to go as far as last time. Don't get frustrated. It's only Yoga. (But I think this principal should be used throughout my day...)

I really like this. But I have a goal - that pesky Half Marathon - so now I need to figure out how to or even if I should do both.

What new things have you tried lately (PG rates stories, please :) )

 - H

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