Sunday, April 11, 2010

weekend struggles

I'll tell ya what... the weekends are definitely the hardest 2 days for me! All week I do great and then the weekend hits. I went to Mike's families boat house and we had an awesome time! I woke up Saturday and Sunday and ran (3 miles on Saturday and 5 miles on Sunday)... again I felt great. But let me tell you something when I don't have structure it's really hard for me. I bring my own food to 1. help myself and 2. because I don't want it to go bad especially when it's not cheap! BUT there are always temptations...EVERYWHERE! I could rant and rave about this weekend and how "it got the best of me" but I'm sick of doing that so I'm making this statement now (and again) my goal is to resist the "treats" and limit myself to ONE treat a week (that means 1 M&M or 1 cookie, or one treat from my menu) But if I don't put a limit on it I'll keep having these treats and saying it's ok but right now it's not ok because when I have just a little I want even more and I give in and now I'm feeling fat and I don't like how I feel right now. I feel like in the last 36 hours have set me back and that really annoys me! Is there a secret/advice of how to say no and actually mean it? I say no and then people say, it's just a little bit.... well a lot of little bits become BIG BITS! :(
So another goal of mine is to really be more aware during the weekends and to stay out of the kitchen! I'm definitely an emotional eater, so if I'm bored, lonely, happy, sad, tired, whatever adjective you want to put there I'll eat! If I don't crack down now I'll never learn how to "manage" good eating. No more cheating everyday.... Once a week and that's it! (I say once a week because a dessert counts as one of my two snacks so I'm allowed to eat them!)
I have a lot of weekend events coming up so it will truly be a test to my dedication and will power! Tomorrow I start Sweat and Sculpt levels 3-4 so I'm hoping after sulking all tonight tomorrow's regular eating routine and new workout will put the kick back in my step.

Until tomorrow,

the irritated, frustrated, pouting, feeling fat and discouraged


Thank you Matt...
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, the encountering may be the very experience which creates the vitality and the power to endure."Maya Angelou

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