Wednesday, November 23, 2011

and the winner is....

Chelsea Paisley Sateen Duvet Cover 

I love her! She has the perfect combination of blues, creams, white, and greys in a beautiful paisley pattern. I've been looking for something for a while and came across this and this and fell in love with both of them immediately. However I didn't want to buy right away and regret my purchase later and I wanted to see if I could find something I loved as much as Potterybarn (if that's possible) for less. 
   So how did I find this gem? A friend at work was talking one morning about how she just bought a lot of stuff at Kohl's online because they were having a huge sale and free shipping. She said I would like some of the dresses so I decided to take a gander. I was throwing stuff in my cart left and right and thought hmmm let's just take a peek and see what kind of bedding they have. I've never been a huge Kohl's fan manly because I've never given it a chance. Much to my surprise I found this duvet cover, emailed Heather to get a 2nd opinion so I wasn't making a quick decision on my own and voila! She's all mine ours! (I asked Mike after I bought it if he liked he... luckily he said yes... not that it would have mattered:)
Best part of this story:
Chelsea Paisley Sateen Duvet Cover Set

sale $72.99
original $179.99  <---------(umm HI, can I get an AMEN!)  *A $107 savings!*

What's even better is that I went to show a friend the other day a picture and the price went up to $107!! Today it was $89!! So far I have the best deal yet! GO ME!

I don't always wait for good deals because I'm inpatient but this just shows how much a good deal is worth waiting for! I love a good deal!

I can't wait to get her in the mail and see what she looks like with our white furniture and eventually grey walls!

What are your bargain secrets?  and while you think and type please enjoy this... 



  1. Agh! I love it! You have to tell me where you got this! I'm also a fan of gray walls, blues and white furniture! And lately Ive been into yellow with that color combo too!
