Wednesday, May 26, 2010

no more squats!

Just as i suspected... I'm sore. Day 1 of level 5-6 was great... because I was excited. Then I woke up and realized I was sore and Tony had given me a good workout. It wasn't the worst kind of soreness I have ever felt but I was definitely feeling it in my butt, legs, and quads in a different way than normal. (No pain no gain right?) When I got home yesterday I popped in 5-6 sculpt and got to work. OUCH. I definitely need to get some lighter weights because it's A LOT more reps and smaller muscle groups so my 8lb. weights are going to cut it. Not to mention I really need to work on doing a normal push up instead of only girl push ups. Now, while Tony says girl push ups are completely OK I really want to try and do some regular ones. I knew as soon as we started lifting that I was going to be sore... and boy was I sore. My shoulders and arms really got a workout which feels great and I feel like I'm getting stronger but it sure does hurt a bit.

Moving on to today. I got home a little later than normal and had a "spa" date with my pal Sarah so I had to get home and get straight to work. As much as I wanted to skip the workout because of being sore I knew I needed it. So I did sweat 5-6 and it definitely wasn't as simple as it was on day 1... that might be because I was really sore, just a thought. Not only that but I really did sweat more than normal. Why you ask? Well our A/C is not working and it was 90 degrees today. So basically you can imagine the sauna that I call my apartment was a great place to be doing a "sweat" workout.Sarah and I had a great time catching up, pretending we were in a spa (minus the part of someone else doing our nails) and have a delicious dinner. :) I've done really well this week with my workouts (pushing myself) and my eating. I'm very proud of myself!

I know I could write more because a lot is going on with work and preparations for this Memorial Day weekend but I'm just too tired. I'll post tomorrow:)


Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 65... Day 1 of levels 5-6

Let's recap since I haven't blogged since Thursday...
Friday I took the day off from work because I had a GI doctor's appt. I'm on new medication and things are looking fine... WAHOOO!!!! Hopefully I won't be going back to Dr. Adams for another year (check-up). After my appt. I went camping with Mike, Sarah, Joey, Doc (their dog), Trip (Mike's friend) and Peyton surprised us later on in the afternoon. We had a fabulous time! However, I think I walked away with a little poison ivy... ick!
Now on to Saturday... We woke up, had breakfast and headed back home. I napped most of the afternoon because sleeping on the ground, while fun, is not the most comfortable sleeping arrangements. When I woke up it was time for Samantha's Birthday festivities! We loaded up on a Reston Limousine Bus and headed to Maryland to Medieval Times for dinner and a show. We all had a great time, even though our Knight didn't win. We loaded back up and hung out the rest of the night at Samantha's house. Great times with great friends!!
Sunday consisted of an extremely lazy day with Mike. We watched Avitar which was a great movie but very long and then grabbed lunch and laid around. I started to not feel so hot so I went home and laid low the rest of the evening. I didn't get a good nights sleep because our A/C was not being cooperative but I think it's ok now so I'm praying for a cool and restful nights sleep. Lord knows I need it after today.
And that brings me to today..... While today is day 65 out of 90 (25 to go!!) it's the first day of Level 5-6 sweat. I'm very surprised. I got a great workout but it wasn't as hard as I thought... it wasn't hard at all really. It was challenging and muscle burning but not what I was expecting; however, I did really enjoy it and I got a great leg, thigh, quads, and butt workout. I did really miss (I can't believe I'm saying this) the Abs 200 at the end of the sweat workout. On levels 1-2 there was Abs 100 and on levels 3-4 there was Abs 200 but on 5-6 there was nothing! So, I decided to do Abs 200 (from memory might I add) at the end of my workout... it felt great!
I was going to add in a run as well but I'm not feeling 100% (dag on mother nature) and I feel like the workout was "easier" then I had expected because I was excited so I don't want to over do it and be sore/out of commission for the rest of the week. I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow and/or Wednesday and add on more from there. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous all week and weekend so I'm really hoping to get in some runs and enjoy it!

I'm starving so I'm going to go make some jerk chicken and veggies so I'll post pictures of this weekend later on!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Save your car, ride your bike

The day has come. While tomorrow marks the official "Bike to work" day, my friend and I can't do tomorrow so we decided to bike to work today!... I'm so excited; however, I'll admit I'm a little nervous. We're meeting at 6:15AM and heading out! We should be at work within 45 min.-1 hour. I have my clothes, shower supplies and lunch all in a backpack so that should make things a little interesting considering it's not the lightest but we'll see how it goes! Here's a little preview of the before picture...

I'M ALIVE!!!! Let's start with this mornings ride. I was tired and my legs were sore from running but I had a great time! Kerri has an amazing road bike that is carbon fiber (which means her bike is light as a feather) so she flies. My bike on the other hand, while awesome, isn't carbon fiber so I'm pulling a little more weight around not to mention I just stared biking again after 12 years. The point is, even though my legs were sore and tight and I couldn't get my gears to adjust right I had a blast!!!
I debated riding my bike home because I was tired and I wasn't looking forward to the hills (I left my car at work yesterday b/c I was supposed to give my friend Regina a ride to the metro today but instead she just drove my car to the metro by my house and parked it). But I decided what the heck! I rode it there I can ride it back. Surprisingly the ride back seemed easier! I'm not sure if it was because I was awake and it's gorgeous out or what but it was beautiful! Poor Kerri is like a bullet and I'm more like a snail but I'm working on it!
Needless to say, we're alive, we had a great time, and I definitely plan on riding to work again! Everyone should try it! It really was fun. My GPS watch stopped tracking time/distance (or maybe I forgot to start it... ooops!) but we are guessing that it's about 7 miles each way. So we rode a total of 14 miles (+ or - a few miles) today! Great way to start the day!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Early bird catches the worm

I'm happy to say that I woke up at 5:00AM this morning and did sweat 3-4 with Tony! It was great!!!! While it took me a few minutes to get out of bed and ready to go once I was ready I kicked it hard! It really starts my day off right, despite the agony of getting up at 5:00AM I really do feel like it helps start my day off on the right foot! I realized that I have 4 more days until I have to take more photos which I'm not thrilled about but it is what it is...

I don't really have much to say today I was just so thrilled that I didn't hit snooze until 6:00AM (when I normally get up) that I had to share!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Recap

Well I must admit this weekend was exhausting but so unbelievably fun!! My roommate turned 25 and her sisters and cousin came to town Friday night. So, upon their arrival we made sure our house was spotless... it looked great! I also made sure to get in a run before everyone showed up! It was in the 80's with ridiculous humidity but I was determined! We made dinner and sangria and played games with them and some of our girlfriends; it was fabulous! Unfortunately I wasn't feeling chipper so I sat out from the sangria and called it an earlier night then they did... so I thought. Some of our other friends stopped by after being out and they brought Mike with them. He was in rare form.... none-the-less I was excited to see him:) He fell asleep sitting up so the when the girls went him he retired to my bed instead of attempting to make it home without falling asleep on the metro and missing his stop... again!
Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30AM and went for a run. It was absolutely gorgeous out! There was no humidity and at that time it was in the low 60's which is perfect running weather! I felt great and proud to start my weekend off refreshed. Mike and I spent the day at Paradise Springs Vineyard (the same vineyard I took my parents to for Mother's Day last weekend) and had an absolute ball! We packed a picnic, picked our spot, and enjoyed the incredible weather, good wine, good music, and better yet great company... each other:) Tomorrow 5.17.10 marks our 3 year anniversary and I've always wanted to go on a picnic so that's how we celebrated and it was perfect! We had a great day!
Later that night we all wen to that National Harbor for a Clam Bake in honor of Bailey's 25th birthday! Not only was the weather perfect but the food was delicious! It was my first time trying lobster since the last time I said I hated it and surprisingly it wasn't too bad! There was a creepy guy that was the entertainment music and let's just say he had a ball entertaining all us ladies! After that we ended the night at carpool. It was a great day seeing friends and celebrating a great roommate!
We (he) also put my new water bottle on my bike and my new bike seat. My originally bike seat was way too hard so now I have a nice gel one that's super comfy! He also got me a basket but it doesn't fit right so we had to order another one. I can't wait until it comes in because then I can bike to the grocery store, take my basket (that has a handle) in the store and then hook it back on and be on my way! So fun!! After that we went to Tyson's to get my David Yurman ring cleaned (it's soooo sparkly it's like I got a new ring!) and to get my necklace lengthened and watched cleaned and a new battery put in. It was a very productive day!
After all the errands I made my way back home and rested for a bit. Then, I jumped back up and went for a run. I normally don't run the route I did because there is this GIANT hiLL that I have to go up and I really despise it. But I wanted a challenge and getting up this hill was a challenge but I promised myself I was going to get to the top without walking... and I did! wahooo! I felt great!
Ok... enough rambling. I said last week that tomorrow I would start levels 5-6. However, I'm going to start next Monday. Here is why: I haven't been as strict/dedicated as I have wanted to be with my eating/motivation the last few weeks. While I have done all my workouts and what not I just feel like I need to get back on track before I push it harder. So, my plan is to use this week as my "Get your butt in gear Kendayl" and then "Up the Ante" next Monday and have the last 30 days (HOLY COW!!) to push it hard. I really watched what I ate this weekend and while I did indulge I did it moderately, GO me! So I feel pretty good tonight. I feel like over the last few weekends I come to Sunday feeling gross and disappointed but today I really am proud of myself. I'm learning:)
With that said, this is my week to really get back on track. I want to push my workouts hard and stay focused on my eating... NO sweets! Lord knows I've had enough treats the last few weeks to last me the rest of my life. So I figure I can hold off for a week. I want to add biking and running in more this week so I'm hoping to get some Tony workouts done in the morning so I can add that in after work. I'll keep you posted!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rise and Shine

(Clearly this isn't what I wake up to but since I'm getting up so early I'm going to pretend that this is what I look at)

As school begins to come to a close my days get longer and I get more stressed out. The time I get home from work I'm so exhausted that hanging with Tony for a workout seems impossible. So, I've started getting up at 5AM to workout so that I know I get a workout in for the day in case I'm too pooped to do it in the afternoon. I'll tell ya, as good as I feel afterward, it really is hard to get up at 5AM and jump around. I'm getting used to it but it's rough. My idea is that if I do a Tony workout in the morning I can run some errands after work and still go for a run or bike ride.
Now, I'm NOT saying I'll be waking up at 5AM everyday... that's not going to happen. But on the days where I know I'm getting home late or have plans after work I'm sure to get up and start my day off right.

As far as this week goes, it needs to end. In fact, in 9 hours it will be over. It has been a LONGgggg and tiring week and I'm ready for it to be over. Tonight B (my roomie) and I are having a dinner party (I love saying that) for her sisters who are coming in town and for Dara and and Bethany or are also coming in town. Last week was her birthday and Saturday we're going to the National Harbor for a clam bake. So, in order to start the weekend off right were making dinner, preparing the games and making some sangria! I'm really excited to have a girls night in and be at my own house:)
Saturday will be a fun filled day because not only are we going to the clam bake but in the early afternoon Mike and I are celebrating our 3 year anniversary! :) Wahoo! 3 years! My have they flown but they truly have been amazing! We're going to the winery that my parents and I went to last weekend and we're going to have a nice little picnic and enjoy a little one-on-one time together; which has been few and far between lately:)
As for anything else, I'm going to start levels 5-6 on Monday which will really kick things in high gear and hopefully get me back on more of a strict path. Like I've said/complained about I've been very lax lately and it's frustrating me. I'm hoping with a workout change and a 35 day countdown (the end of Tony and the END of SCHOOL) will really motivate me to work my hardest.

That's about all I have for now... I'll be sure to take pictures of our dinner party and the clam back to share!:)
Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day weekend

Fran and Trubs came into town on Saturday morning and let me tell you, we had the greatest weekend! I surprised my mom in their hotel room with flowers and a ready-to-go picnic basket. She had no clue I was hiding in her hotel room so when she walked in and turned the corner her squeal was heard round the block! :)
As soon as we hugged and kissed and I showed them the picnic I had planned we were out the door and on our way to Paradise Springs Winery in Clifton, VA. It just opened in January and it's so cute! It's a small vineyard with lots of places to sit (patio seating, picnic tables, and rolling grassy hills). We started out in the basement for our 7 fight wine tasting, which was great! We ended up buying a case of wine and 1 extra for our picnic. We chose a cute little patio furniture set in the middle of the grass right in front of the tent where the band was about to play. We pulled out the hummus, veggies, crackers, brie, and grapes and nibbled on that for about... 5 hours! We didn't get to the strawberries and angel food cake I had brought or the turkey sandwiches:) However the 1 extra bottle of wine turned into 3 extra bottles of wine, so the last thing we needed was more food... or more carbs!
Fran (I call her that more as I joke, I really refer to her as my momma or MA!) and I played corn hole. She just had rotator cuff surgery so she played in front of the corn hole board so it wasn't as far to throw. To my dismay she beat me. Because it was mother's day I was a good sport but believe me we WILL have a rematch!

After our friendly game of corn hole we enjoyed hours of great music and looking back on wonderful memories we've made as a family (we missed my sister, Hilary, but she just got back from vacation so I don't feel that bad! hehe) I honestly cherish every moment I get with my parents. I wasn't the nicest, easiest, or easy to love child but I like to think I'm making up for my rough childhood. My parents truly are the 2 greatest people I know and I love them more than words can express. Sunday was also their 29th wedding anniversary! They have a marriage that anyone would be lucky enough to have one day:)
After the vineyard we went back to the hotel, napped and then went to Flemings for dinner. It was delightful. My dad wasn't feeling well so he didn't get to enjoy his ribeye and wedge salad as much as he wanted to but we still had a great time! I stayed over that night (yayy for sleepovers!) and we slept in which was a great feeling! We went to the Eastern Market Sunday afternoon and my dad was a trooper while my mom and I shopped around. I bought her 2 new pair of ear rings and treated myself to a new necklace and stud ear rings. We met Mike for dinner and then said out goodbye's.
We had a great weekend!!! I puddled around my house the rest of the evening and called it an early night. Only to wake up for a new week... whining and complaining about everything I shouldn't have consumed that weekend. BUT, like I always say, if you fall off the horse, get back on. The thing is... I seem to be falling off a lot! It's a work in progress I guess:)

Here's to another week at getting it right:)

I ended today with a 3 mile run and sculpt 3-4 with Tony; already feeling a little better! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Training wheels schmaining wheels

I have to admit I've very excited about today! As I told you last week I got my first bike since I was about 8 years old. She's yellow and her name is Buttercup (lame... yes, amazing, YES!). Anyways, I've been really nervous to ride because I don't have a helmet, I don't know where I'm going, and lets face it I'm not the most graceful person on earth. However, I faced my fears today and went for my first ride with my friend Kerri.
We were both unsure where the WO&D trail met up between our houses so we both took our phones and attempted to meet at the same place. But of course we didn't. I ended up a good mile or 2 in the wrong direction; SHOCKER! So I turned around and went back the other way and finally met up with her. She had an extra helmet for me which calmed my nerves because riding without one in Norther VA traffic is horrendous! She was all decked out from head to toe in riding gear and I rolled up with no helmet, running shorts, and running shoes on... I'll work my way up to being a cute rider one day!
We set out on a ride and while I was already a little tired from going the wrong direction and having to come back up hill I was determined to stay with her. We had great weather and we had a lot of fun! Before I knew it we were at 6 miles! I was only a few miles away from Mikes house in Vienna! We stopped at 6 miles, took a water break and chatted, and then hopped on each others bikes to check them out. Her bike is awesome! It weighs next to nothing (carbon fiber) and has a great seat! Now, I never really thought that the seat really mattered but let me tell you IT DOES! My butt and lady parts are definitely feeling sore... I can't imagine what they're going to feel like in the morning. So I've decided I'm going to start looking for a new seat that better suits a woman and invest in some biking shorts with what I call a "grundle pad" in them. Yes, that sounds ridiculous gross but you need them in order to ride.
We parted ways at our meeting point and I biked the rest of the way home by myself. I honestly felt so accomplished when I was done. I have ridden a bike in over 12 years I'd say and while I did almost run into one man which I was trying to focus on switching gears, I made it safely home and had a great time! I am proud to say that I biked 12 miles!!! My sprint Tri. in August is 11 so I think I'll do great. Once I train more and get used to the gears and my bike more I really think I can push it hard on race day.

*Just as a side note the picture of me is right after I rode and the only reason I lifted my bike is because I couldn't fit it in the picture and not cut my head off... I'm not trying to show off my the strength I've gained from Tony** :)

At any rate, Cinco de Mayo was fun! Chevy's had no specials which was a let down but we managed to have a great time. I got mahi mahi fish tacos and barely ate half of it... probably because I had more chips then I should have and because I was full on drinks. Overall I'd say I did ok! I love me some Mexican!!

Tomorrow night is my school's basketball game against our "rival" Elementary School. I got suckered into playing again this year; more so because we didn't have enough players because lets be real I am terrible at basketball. However, it's a fun night and lots of kids come out and support so it's a great time! My parents won't be here until Saturday morning for our fun weekend of Mother's Day activities so Mike is coming to my game tomorrow to be my cheer squad. (poor mike!) :) I keep telling myself, as competitive as I am, it's all for fun and fun community outreach opportunity for my kids and school:) All in the name of KIDS! :)

Gooooo WESTLAWN EAGLES!! (one of my kids asked if I could to a "slamp dunk". I said, Ryan I'll try just for you buddy... Oh geez!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"I'm going down down down"

Well, I told you I'd post some numbers of what I have lost thus far and until today I hadn't taken the time to measure! But, since I went to get my bridesmaid dress for Sarah's wedding today I learned some numbers that made me happy!!

Starting vs. Now Total inches Lost

Bust: 35.5 in. 35.5 in. 0 (these puppies aren't going anywhere!)

Upper Arm: 11.4 in. 11 in. .4 (losing fat and getting tone muscle!)

Waist: 29 in. 26 in. 3

Hips: 39 in. 37.5 in. 1.5

Thigh: 23.5 in. 21. 5 in. 2

Total inches lost combined: 6.9 inches!!!

I'll admit, while the weight isn't coming down as I was hoping the numbers above show that things are working and I'm toning! I'm really happy and proud!!

I had a busy day but managed to work in Tony at 9:15 pm. Boy am I tired!

Tomorrow is CINCO de MAYO and I plan on having some fun but staying in control! (aka going easy on the chips and salsa... my ultimate weakness:)



Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 42

It's day 42 and while my weight isn't going down any further I do feel a lot more tone and in shape! I know the weight isn't dropping like I would like because I'm not being as strict as I was in the first 30 days. I'm enjoying the weekends... maybe a little too much:) so as I've said before I really am trying to enjoy the weekends in moderation. Still working on that:)

Speaking of the weekend... We had such a great time! The weather was PERFECT and it was great to have friends up at Mike's boat. Perfect weekend:) We scoped out a bar and BOY oh BOy was it interesting. The 2010 Vera's Bikini Contest Winner was there and struttin her stuff in what was called a bikini but left NOTHING, I mean NOTHING to the imagination. There was maybe 1/2 in bathing suit covering her Hooha! None-the-less we had fun! Check out the pictures.... it explains it all...

Normally I stress out about wearing a bathing suit and this weekend I really didn't. Of course I was thinking in my head that I could have worked harder but overall I felt great and confident which is a BIG step in the right direction for me! It's so hard to say no when there are just so many goodies around tempting me! However, I will add in that even though I was BEYOND tired when we got home Sunday I did manage to work up the energy to workout before bed!:)

Like I always say, it's a new week and another week to keep on my journey. I keep telling myself that if I want more changes and numbers to go down I have to be able to enjoy things but I have to know when to say no... or just when to stop.

On a brighter note their are Capri's I own that I bought last year that are too big. I thought, what the heck I can at least wear them to work, I don't really care that much. BUT the whole day I was pulling them up. Part of me is annoyed because they're really cute but the other part of me is really happy! Not to mention it gives me an excuse to go get new ones (not that I need to... my LOFT bill last month was out of control)

Any who, I'm really trying to focus this week on "tightening the belt" a bit. Saying "just one" all the time isn't helping me so I really need to keep myself in check and work on that. I just did sculpt with Tony and I'm on my way out the door to go for a run, distance to be determined (at least 3).

I hope everyone had a great weekend! (Everyone meaning the 1-2 readers I have! HAHA)