Thursday, May 20, 2010

Save your car, ride your bike

The day has come. While tomorrow marks the official "Bike to work" day, my friend and I can't do tomorrow so we decided to bike to work today!... I'm so excited; however, I'll admit I'm a little nervous. We're meeting at 6:15AM and heading out! We should be at work within 45 min.-1 hour. I have my clothes, shower supplies and lunch all in a backpack so that should make things a little interesting considering it's not the lightest but we'll see how it goes! Here's a little preview of the before picture...

I'M ALIVE!!!! Let's start with this mornings ride. I was tired and my legs were sore from running but I had a great time! Kerri has an amazing road bike that is carbon fiber (which means her bike is light as a feather) so she flies. My bike on the other hand, while awesome, isn't carbon fiber so I'm pulling a little more weight around not to mention I just stared biking again after 12 years. The point is, even though my legs were sore and tight and I couldn't get my gears to adjust right I had a blast!!!
I debated riding my bike home because I was tired and I wasn't looking forward to the hills (I left my car at work yesterday b/c I was supposed to give my friend Regina a ride to the metro today but instead she just drove my car to the metro by my house and parked it). But I decided what the heck! I rode it there I can ride it back. Surprisingly the ride back seemed easier! I'm not sure if it was because I was awake and it's gorgeous out or what but it was beautiful! Poor Kerri is like a bullet and I'm more like a snail but I'm working on it!
Needless to say, we're alive, we had a great time, and I definitely plan on riding to work again! Everyone should try it! It really was fun. My GPS watch stopped tracking time/distance (or maybe I forgot to start it... ooops!) but we are guessing that it's about 7 miles each way. So we rode a total of 14 miles (+ or - a few miles) today! Great way to start the day!

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